Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Business Info System & Analytics-Discussion

Business Info System & Analytics-Discussion

Q For this discussion we are going to do the same format as Module 3. In this case, those of you who may not have posted a question in the last round need to go first: I want the first 6 responders to post an original question based on the module reading. The next responders will post answers to those questions.

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The social media has been developed as an online platform for interacting with friends and families, currently it becoming an essential part of our lives. According to a research study, 698% US adults use Facebook, and among them 74% visit Facebook in a daily basis (GRAMLICH, 2019) ( Social media influences both of our professional and personal time. In our organization, we work in a client centric environment, and social media is the best channel to reach to the present and future client for our organization.